Is it possible to alter or change your snapchat username? Today, we’re gonna be answering that question and I’m gonna be providing you all with a couple methods that you can utilize to actually change your snapchat username

With the rise of the digital era, the modern world is moving towards social media by leaps and bounds. These social platforms that allow the people to connect to any part of the world and all kinds of people via a few clicks have made revolutionary changes in the lives of modern humanity. Thus, many social media platforms have risen, and newer applications are being developed to connect people from all parts of the world.

Snapchat is one of the most famous of these social media platforms having hundreds of millions of active users. It is a multimedia messaging application with many unique features and services. Thus, it is extremely popular among social media users especially the younger generation

Since the vast number of Snapchat users, the issues and queries arising regarding the app are also large in number. One such issue is, “How to change Snapchat username.”

Often, users of Snapchat require to change the username for multiple reasons. It may be a change of mood, or one may not like their username and wish to change it. However, in Snapchat, it is not straight forward to change the username as it does not allow it for security reasons.

In this article, we shall explain the concise and the easiest ways to achieve the purpose:

First Method: Change the Display Name

Change the Display Name

  • Access your Snapchat account after login
  • Click the ghost icon on the top left of the screen
  • Go to the settings by clicking the tiny gear icon on the top right of the screen
  • Tap on the Name icon and change the first and last name as per your change and tap Save button after making the required changes
  • Display Name will replace the username in friends’ chat and stories
  • Username will only be visible when friends open a direct chat
  • You can easily check your new name by visiting your profile.


Second Method: Change the Username by changing Email ID

Change the Username by changing Email ID

  • After logging in to your account, access the setting from your profile as described above.
  • Log out by scrolling down and tapping Log out
  • Tap Sign up, enter the new email and other details as required.
  • Then log in using the newly added email and go to profile and tap Add Friend
  • Allow “Add from Contacts” by tapping “Continue” and “OK”
  • Then add any contacts you wish to add from contacts or by the usernames
  • You can then always delete your previous account if you wish.

So, this is it. These are the simplest way to achieve the task of changing your username. I hope that this tutorial helped find the ideal solutions for your problem.